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當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > > PALL產(chǎn)品 > 66386PALL VERSAPOR3000濾膜25mm*3um 66386

PALL VERSAPOR3000濾膜25mm*3um 66386

簡要描述:PALL VERSAPOR3000濾膜25mm*3um 66386,Designed to be used in applications requiring excellent retention properties combined with tensile strengths in excess of 200 bar (20,000 kPa, 3000 psi).

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:66386
  • 廠商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-15
  • 訪  問  量:2735


PALL VERSAPOR3000濾膜25mm*3um 66386

Ideal for Prefiltration of Difficult-to-Filter
Solutions and Serum

  • Reduces clogging of final filters. Can be used upstream of a sterilizing filter for viscous solutions.
  • Strong and flexible while both wet or dry.
  • Excellent throughput with high liquid flow rates at low differential pressures.
  • PALL VERSAPOR3000濾膜25mm*3um 66386描述:

    • 非紡織載體上的丙烯酸共聚物

    • 孔徑:0.2, 0.45, 0.8, 1.2, 3, and 5 μm



    • 25 - 293 mm


    Typical Thickness

    • 94 μm (3.7 mils)


    Typical Water Flow Rate

    • mL/min/cm2 at 0.7 bar (70 kPa, 10 psi)
    • 0.2 μm: 16
    • 0.45 μm: 75
    • 0.8 μm: 142
    • 1.2 μm: 315
    • 3 μm: 518
    • 5 μm: 778


    Maximum Operating Temperature - Water

    • 88 °C (190 °F)


    Minimum Bubble Point - Water

    • 0.2 μm: 2.0 bar (200 kPa, 30 psi)
    • 0.45 μm: 1.1 bar (110 kPa, 16 psi)
    • 0.8 μm: 0.6 bar (60 kPa, 8 psi)
    • 1.2 μm: 0.4 bar (40 kPa, 6 psi)
    • 3 μm: 0.2 bar (20 kPa, 3 psi)
    • 5 μm: 0.1 bar (10 kPa, 2 psi)


    Biological Safety

    • Passes United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Biological Reactivity Test, In Vivo <88>



    • Provided non-sterile. If desired, sterilize by gamma irradiation or sanitize with 70% ethanol
  • 訂貨信息
Part NumberDescriptionPkg
Versapor 200 Membrane Disc Filters, 0.2 µm
6641425 mm100/pkg
6641547 mm100/pkg
Versapor 450 Membrane Disc Filters, 0.45 µm
6640725 mm100/pkg
6640847 mm100/pkg
66410142 mm25/pkg
66411293 mm25/pkg
Versapor 800 Membrane Disc Filters, 0.8 µm
6640025 mm100/pkg
6633137 mm100/pkg
6640147 mm100/pkg
60098102 mm25/pkg
66403142 mm25/pkg
66404293 mm25/pkg
Versapor 1200 Membrane Disc Filters, 1.2 µm
6639325 mm100/pkg
6639447 mm100/pkg
66396142 mm25/pkg
66397293 mm25/pkg
Versapor 3000 Membrane Disc Filters, 3 µm
6638625 mm100/pkg
6638747 mm100/pkg
66389142 mm25/pkg
Versapor 5000 Membrane Disc Filters, 5 µm
6633237 mm100/pkg
6017847 mm100/pkg




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